Monday, July 29, 2013

Rain, rain, rain

It's been raining all day.  I love rainy days because they make the perfect backdrop for my favorite things: reading, writing, drinking, sleeping, although this rainy day needs to get its act together and upgrade from drizzle to a proper thunderstorm.  I wish I could live my life inside a thunderstorm.

Anyway, the gray day reminds me of London, which reminds me of the story I started a while back.  It was a mild January day and I happened to be in Virginia and finished with my normal writing for the day.  I decided on the spur of the moment to write something completely different than normal--something set in one of my favorite places, something contemporary, something sexy.  So I pulled up Scrivener and got started.  I didn't know anything about romance or New Adult or where the story was going, but I sank in anyway.

Sink with me, if you'd like.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A New Blog, A New Life

That's right.  This isn't real life.  In real life, I answer reference questions, chase two dimple-cheeked kids around my house, kiss my hot cop husband when he comes home.  In real life, I'm a published young adult author, a Sunday School teacher, a drinker of stale coffee.

But this isn't real life.  And I'm inviting you all to play in my game of pretend.  We'll only get a little sweaty...